Monday, March 12, 2018

When Your God

When Your God you can have all creation. You can control all living things. You can engineer your own children. You can do whatever you want. You can enslave all who has done you wrong. You can rule the world. You can conquer the universe without even having to conquer the universe. You can write your own scripture and even have a million or more wives. You can have relations 24/7. You can fire Hollywood movie stars. You can live all by yourself. You can create your own existence and realities. You can rid the planet of money,trade,gossip,resistance,arguments,war and else. You can work mankind even because of an IOU debt. You can take and give life. You can create your own life. You can control the weather. You can control the women. You can control the seeds that give life. You can nuder anything. You can do anything. You can deny a life of education. You can discriminate. You can commit crimes that were once forbidden. You can pass bills without legislation. You can write legislation without congress. You can control the mind. You can control the 13 kingdoms. You can kill a queen and a king and a lord and a dutchess and statesman and else. You can hire the world. You can do whatever you like. You can raise the dead,walk on water,float in the air,blind a genius,even breed an alien race. And else when your god.

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